Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Garda Homicide Statistics: Discussion

10:30 am

Mr. Michael Finn:

I might bring in Dr. Singh on the work of the analysts and what they unearthed. This process started in July and the end of the year had been reached before that three-year period was completed. I say that to demonstrate that a significant amount of work would be required to go back to 2013, given how long it took to analyse that segment alone. That was an internal review instigated by the Garda. As each of the cases was examined, issues relating to classification did arise. That was the context in which Dr. Singh and his people said to us that 41 homicides from that batch required examination, because there were concerns around classification. That is how the process started. It started internally, with An Garda Síochána carrying out its own review and unearthing these issues, which we determined would require further analysis.