Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government
Rental Sector
Matt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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781. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of properties acquired under the cost rental and tenant-in-situ schemes, in each local authority; the number of properties in each local authority that are currently being considered under these schemes, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1389/25]
Darragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal East, Fianna Fail)
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Both the Social Housing Tenant in-Situ and Cost Rental Tenant in-Situ schemes support households who are at risk of homelessness.
Under Housing for All, there was provision for 200 social housing acquisitions each year. However, with increased pressures on housing and the exit of landlords from the market, the Government agreed that there would be increased provision for social housing acquisitions in 2023 and 2024 and the Department funded local authorities to acquire at least 1,500 social homes. The additional acquisitions have been focused on properties where a tenant is in receipt of social housing supports, including Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS), and has received a Notice of Termination due to the landlord’s intention to sell the property.
It is a matter for individual local authorities to identify suitable acquisitions in line with local circumstances and their social housing allocations policy.
Consideration of, and a decision in relation to, a further extension of the social housing acquisitions and Tenant in-Situ programme into 2025 above Housing for All targets will be a matter for the new Government.
The Cost Rental Tenant In-Situ (CRTiS) scheme was introduced on 1 April 2023 for tenants in private rental homes who are not in receipt of social housing supports but are at risk of homelessness because a landlord has served a valid Notice of Termination due to an intention to sell the property.
The Local Authority conducts the initial assessment for eligibility of the tenant for this scheme and refers potential cases to the Housing Agency, which is responsible for administering and managing the scheme on behalf of my Department, pending further policy development over the longer term. I am informed that the Housing Agency has engaged with more than 220 landlords across all Local Authority areas, with a view to the purchase of those homes.
Comprehensive data on social and affordable housing is published on my Department's website up to Quarter 3 2024, including completed acquisitions: www.gov.ie/en/collection/6060e-overall-social-housing-provision/.
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