Written answers

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Department of Defence

Official Engagements

Photo of Cormac DevlinCormac Devlin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

22. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if he will report on his recent attendance at the RACO Annual Conference. [42025/24]

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I welcomed the opportunity to attend and speak at RACO's Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) on 3 October last.

At the Conference, I acknowledged the ongoing serious situation in Lebanon and the wider region, which remains very tense and unpredictable. I outlined the Government’s commitment to continually monitor the situation closely, along with our partners in the UN and the international community.

I also took the opportunity to address delegates on a number of key issues currently facing the Defence Forces, whilst acknowledging that a wide range of improvements have been made, over the last year.

I outlined the focus on maritime security, as a priority, which involves immediate action on military radar capabilities and the development of a national Maritime Security Strategy.

I also spoke about the changing internal environment, with cultural change remaining the key focus of transformation of the Defence Forces.

With regard to improving and increasing the levels of recruitment and retention within the Defence Forces, I outlined to delegates policy measures that have been progressed in recent months, including:

  • the extension of private secondary healthcare to enlisted ranks;
  • the appointment of a civilian Head of Strategic Human Resources, with the aim of achieving a modernised HR function.
  • the recent announcement of the extension of the sea-going Naval personnel tax credit of €1,500, initially extended into the 2024 tax year, for another period of five years,
  • changes to existing Naval Service allowances I introduced in late 2023, which resulted in Patrol Duty Allowance being doubled, after 10 days at sea, in any calendar year.
  • recognition for officers who provide specialist instruction and training, pointing to an agreement in principle with the Department of Public Expenditure National Development Plan and Reform to incentivise qualified officers who upskill to meet modern training standards.
At this ADC I had the opportunity to speak of the significant Budget 2025 announcement of a €100 million increase for Defence, taking my Department's allocation to €1.35 billion.

I thanked the Representative Associations for their constructive engagement on the removal of the current blanket exemption of the Defence Forces, in the Organisation of Working Time Act, for which I approved the agreed policy position, earlier this year. I am confident that this is progressing at a strong pace with the necessary legislative process to be in place by the end of this year.

Additionally, I advised the conference of the recent Government decision to increase the maximum retirement age for Permanent Defence Force personnel to 62, which came into effect from 19th August 2024.

I also noted that RACO members participated in the ratification of a new public service pay agreement, which will see further wage increases over its life-time. This is positive progress in terms of recruitment and retention.

In my speech, I referred to the recent opportunity presented to both Representative Associations, representing members of the Permanent Defence Force, to achieve permanent Associate membership with ICTU, should they wish to do, as part of enactment of the Defence (Amendment) Act 2024.

In conclusion Deputy, I look forward to continued constructive engagement with the Defence Forces Representative Associations, in my current role, on all matters that fall within the scope of their representation.


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