Written answers
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government
Coastal Protection
Cathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)
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419. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if his Department is implementing the recommendations of the report of the Inter-Departmental Group on National Coastal Change Management Strategy; the estimated cost of implementation of the recommendations; and to provide a timeline for implementation. [36910/24]
Darragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Fianna Fail)
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Tackling coastal change management in response to climate change will be complex, multifaceted and dynamic, demanding a range of research, policy and consequential management responses. Through the 15 recommendations set out in the scoping report of the Inter-Departmental Group on National Coastal Change Management Strategy, an evidence-based coastal change management strategy facilitating key decisions to be taken to address and manage the impacts of coastal change over the short, medium and longer terms will be put in place.
The strategy set out in the scoping report involves an integrated whole of government approach, with actions across many sectors and my Department is playing a key role in coordinating and driving this essential work programme. These recommendations can be categorised under three overarching headings, as follows:
Strategic Pillar 1 – Enhancing Governance and Capacity Building
Given the nature of the risks arising, the broad range of stakeholders with responsibilities to manage these risks, and the complex legal and regulatory framework within which this must be achieved, there is clearly a requirement for an integrated and co-ordinated response. Investment in capacity building across all key stakeholders is also necessary in order to ensure that the requisite skills and knowledge are available as required. This work is being progressed through the interdepartmental steering group which has met on three occasions since May 2024 and will meet again in October 2024, chaired by my Department. My Department is the policy lead, in particular co-ordinating the work across Government in responding to the challenge of coastal change.
Under this pillar, the steering group will consider the recommendations relating to the establishment of an advisory group of national and international experts, engagement at an EU and bilateral level with neighbouring jurisdictions to examine best practice and lessons learned and to update knowledge, how best to carry out an analysis of the relevant skills and resources available and required to implement the adopted policies and strategies for coastal change management, and how best to develop the programmes necessary to develop the required skill sets and resources nationally for coastal change management in the long-term.
Strategic Pillar 2 - Understanding the Risk and Identifying Potential Technical Risk Management Options The Office of Public Works (OPW) is acting as the national lead co-ordinating body for the assessment of coastal change hazards and risks and the assessment of technical options and constraints under this Pillar.
The scoping report recommends that a co-ordinated programme of monitoring and research, drawing from and contributing to EU and international research, is developed in order to ensure that the best available estimates of potential coastal change and associated hazards and risks are identified, refined and updated on an ongoing basis. Over the coming years, this expanding knowledge base will further inform the identification of possible technical options to manage such risks. The work undertaken further to the recommendations under this pillar will be led primarily by the OPW.
At the heart of the challenge of coastal change risk management there is a need to develop a strategic coastal change management framework underpinned by policy direction and supports and informed by engagement with local communities. With respect to responding to coastal change local authorities are, generally, responsible for the management of matters associated with coastal change and erosion in their respective administrative areas. Other coastal risks such as to transport, agricultural, business, are addressed locally and through sectoral responses.
Under Pillar 2, the OPW is responsible for the technical aspects of assessing coastal change impacts, including co-ordinating the monitoring of physical coastal change, assessing and mapping areas at risk from coastal erosion, the development of a coastal change research programme and assessing potential coastal protection works for communities at risk, including the use of nature-based solutions. The OPW also has a role in funding local authorities to carry out minor works for coastal protection.
A number of the recommendations relating to coastal change management delivery, will result in the need to consider financial implications, and the steering group will be informed by the emerging evidence base in this regard, which will allow for recommendations to be made. My Department will report on the work of the Interdepartmental Steering Group to the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Environment and Climate Change and to Government as it progresses, noting that the recommendations cover a range of short, medium and longer term actions.
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