Written answers

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin Bay North, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

36. To ask the Minister for Health if his Department has commenced work on the carer's guarantee which was an element of the Programme for Government; what range of services (fuel, emergency assistance, recuperation supports, and so on) are envisaged; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25412/24]

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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Annually recurring funding of €2 million has been provided since Budget 2021 under the National Carers’ Strategy to improve equity of access to supports for carers across the country. This funding is an important step towards delivering on the Programme for Government commitment to develop a Carers’ Guarantee, providing a more standard package of supports to family carers in every region, in tandem with the community and voluntary sector. €1.9 million of this funding is being provided to Family Carers Ireland to deliver a mix of community and individual supports across five areas of activity:

  • community carer supports;
  • intensive and emergency supports;
  • education and training;
  • family Carer Ireland’s freephone careline; and
  • psychosocial support.
  • The remaining €100,000 funds Care Alliance Ireland to deliver a professionally moderated online support group for Family Carers. The service promotes supports to assist family carers in carrying out their caring roles, thus allowing care recipients to be maintained in their own homes and communities.
  • To complete the Carers’ Guarantee and fully deliver on the Programme for Government commitment, an additional €3.1m in annual funding is being sought as part of the Estimates process to ensure an equitable provision of services to support family carers.


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