Written answers

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Photo of Pearse DohertyPearse Doherty (Donegal, Sinn Fein)
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202.To ask the Minister for Finance if the residential premises rental income relief is in the tax base, under the stability programme update, in each of the years 2025, 2026 and 2027, respectively; and the amount in the base for each of those years. [25520/24]

Photo of Michael McGrathMichael McGrath (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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At the time of Budget 2024 the residential premises rental income relief was estimated to cost €45 million in 2024, rising to €160 million in 2027.

The estimated cash cost of this measure at Budget time is reflected in the no-policy-change Stability Programme Update projections for tax revenue, as set out in the table below.

- 2025 2026 2027
cost €m 112 114 160

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats)
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203.To ask the Minister for Finance the amount of income received from the betting levy in 2023 and for the first five months of 2024, in tabular form. [25530/24]

Photo of Michael McGrathMichael McGrath (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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I am advised by Revenue that a breakdown of Betting Duty receipts is published on the Revenue website at: www.revenue.ie/en/corporate/information-about-revenue/statistics/excise/betting-duty/index.aspx.

The published data are to the end of April 2024. I am further advised by Revenue that betting duty returns and payments are due quarterly, and the data are published on this basis.


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