Written answers

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Photo of Jim O'CallaghanJim O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay South, Fianna Fail)
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197. To ask the Minister for Health his views on whether he has any role to play under section 9 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 arising from the removal of the restriction on euthanasia and assisted suicide from the 9th edition of the ethics guide that was published recently by the Medical Council. [24376/24]

Photo of Jim O'CallaghanJim O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay South, Fianna Fail)
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198. To ask the Minister for Health whether he has any concerns about the recent removal of the restriction on euthanasia and assisted suicide from the 9th edition of the ethics guide that was published recently by the Medical Council; and his views on whether it was made with adequate consultation within the medical profession [24377/24]

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 197 and 198 together.

As part of the Medical Council’s role, and to support doctors to meet high standards, the Council produces guidance on a wide range of scenarios related to professional conduct, ethics and aspects of practice which are likely to arise over the course of a doctor’s professional career. The Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Medical Practitioners (‘the Guide’) outlines the values and principles that underpin professionalism and good medical practice in the interests of patients and the broader population.

The Medical Council is an independent statutory body and I have no role in the Council’s production of the Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Medical Practitioners. Under section 9 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007, I am precluded from giving policy directions to the Council in relation to the performance of its functions relating to the professional conduct and ethics of registered medical practitioners.

I am advised that the rationale applied in the Council’s drafting process of the 9th edition of the Guide was to remain at a high level in relation to legislation and produce supplementary Guidance where necessary, which I understand is in keeping with the approach taken by other international regulatory bodies. The decision was made by Council to remove the selected references and add an overarching reference to a doctor’s duty to comply with laws and regulations pertaining to their practice. The Guide is very clear and states that the medical profession must comply with, and operate within, the law.

As per legislation, it is illegal for all individuals, including doctors, to take part in the deliberate killing of a person, or to assist a person to end their own life. A doctor also has the ability to consciously object to partake in the carrying out of a lawful procedure which conflicts with their moral values, subject to compliance that is outlined in page 42 of the Guide.


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