Written answers

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Social Welfare Benefits

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
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241. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the extent to which a person (details supplied) qualifies for non-contributory State pension notwithstanding recent decision to the contrary; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [46023/23]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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State pension non-contributory is a means-tested payment for people aged 66 and over, habitually residing in the State, who do not qualify for a state pension contributory, or who only qualify for a reduced rate contributory pension based on their social insurance record.

In order to establish a person’s state pension non-contributory entitlement, it is necessary for them to submit a completed application form (SPNC1), together with any necessary supporting documentation.

To assist the person concerned, this form has been issued to them by post, should they wish to make application. On receipt of the completed pension application, the person's eligibility will be examined and they will be notified of the outcome.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
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242. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection to what extent any social protection supplement can be awarded in the case of a person (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [46024/23]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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Disability Allowance (DA) is a weekly allowance paid to people with a specified disability who are aged 16 or over and under the age of 66. This disability must be expected to last for at least one year and the allowance is subject to a medical assessment, means test and Habitual Residency conditions

I can confirm that the Department received an application for DA from the person concerned on 12 October 2023. On completion of the necessary investigations on all aspects of the claim, a decision will be made and the person concerned will be notified directly of the outcome.

The processing time for individual disability allowance claims may vary in accordance with their relative complexity in terms of the three main qualifying criteria, the person’s circumstances and the information they provide in support of their claim.

In the meantime, the person concerned can apply to the Community Welfare Officer for the means tested Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) if they are in need of financial assistance, while awaiting the outcome of their application.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

243. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if a person (details supplied) qualifies for a contributory pension or part thereof notwithstanding the fact that he has a pension from employment; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [46025/23]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The person concerned reached pension age on 12 October 2021.

Under current eligibility conditions, an individual must have 520 full-rate paid contributions in order to qualify for standard State pension (contributory). 520 full-rate contributions equate to 10 years of full-rate insurable employment.

To qualify for a mixed insurance pension, 520 employment contributions are required, of which at least 260 must be full-rate employment contributions with the remainder made up of modified contributions.

According to the records of my Department, the person concerned has a total of 169 full-rate contributions. Since their contributions fall short of the requisite contributions, they do not qualify for State pension (contributory).

I have arranged for a copy of their insurance record to issue. If the person concerned considers that they have additional contributions or credits that have not been recorded, it is open to them to forward documentary evidence to Social Welfare Services, College Road, Sligo, F91 T384 and their pension entitlement can be reviewed.

If the person concerned has been caring for incapacitated dependents for over 20 years (1040 weeks), it is open to them to apply for the Long-Term Carer's Contributions (LTCC). The periods of care-giving do not need to be consecutive. The equivalent of paid contributions will be attributed to long-term carers to cover gaps in their contribution record. I expect to bring the legislation required to introduce the LTCC before the Oireachtas soon, with the scheme being fully implemented from January 2024. My Department launched an online system for people to register for LTCC. This will facilitate the expeditious processing of LTCC upon enactment of the legislation.

The person concerned previously applied for the means-tested State Pension (non-contributory). This was disallowed on 21 March 2023 as their means were in excess of the limits. This decision was upheld by the Social Welfare Appeals Office on 13 July 2022.

I hope this clarifies the position for the Deputy.


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