Written answers
Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Flood Risk Management
Holly Cairns (Cork South West, Social Democrats)
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52. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform to provide an update on the flood relief schemes in Cork South-West. [30759/23]
Patrick O'Donovan (Limerick County, Fine Gael)
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In response to the Deputy’s question I am pleased to give an update on the flood relief schemes in Cork south west.
In February 2022, J.B. Barry and Partners Ltd., in joint venture with JBA Consulting Ltd, were appointed by Cork County Council as engineering and environmental consultants to carry out the design of a viable scheme for Bantry. The scheme development and design is progressing with environmental surveys continuing, hydrological modelling largely complete and hydraulic modelling ongoing. Two gauges have been installed and works related to the Bantry Mill Culvert Project were completed in April 2023.
A number of Public Participation Days (PPD) will be held throughout the delivery of the project to ensure consultation with statutory and non-statutory bodies, as well as with the public. A first PPD was held in May 2022 and a second PPD is scheduled for Q4 2023 when the public can provide feedback on the emerging flood relief options.
In Skibbereen, a length of flood defence wall upstream of the footbridge in the town centre remains to be constructed, which will facilitate flood defence at a high level (for relatively rare floods) for the adjacent apartments and the town centre, as well as for a proposed future public walkway, being proposed by the Council. It is expected that the cost for this work will be shared between the Council and OPW.
Other follow-on scheme works include works to two culverts on Mill Road and installation of discrete sections of rock revetments.
Drainage works on the N71 Cork Road, falling outside the remit of the scheme are required and are progressing in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) with OPW providing some funding under the Minor Flood Mitigation Works & Coastal Protection Scheme.
The BandonFlood Relief Scheme was substantially completed on 16thOctober 2020 and now provides protection to 392 properties. A number of additional minor items are still planned to be completed, such as fencing, railings, landscaping and conservation works to Bandon Bridge.
ClonakiltyFlood Relief Scheme was substantially completed on 4th February 2021 and now provides protection to 296 properties.
Planning is ongoing in conjunction with Cork County Council, who will act as agents of OPW, in carrying out the statutory operation and maintenance of the three flood relief schemes in Clonakilty, Skibbereen and Bandon.
With respect to the Tranche II schemes in Castletown Bearhavan, Inishannon and Schull, while OPW has since 2018 trebled to 90 the number of schemes at design and construction, it is proactively planning to commence the balance of some 60 schemes identified by the Flood Risk Management Plans. While the Government has given the financial commitment for these schemes, there are a number of constraints, including the highly professional engineering skills needed in the area of hydrology and hydraulic modelling. The limited resources available for this specialised area means that OPW must balance the schemes progressing with the resources available. However, over the past number of years the local authorities have developed their project management capability in the area of flood relief schemes. OPW is exploring with local authorities ways to identify and prioritise how their shared capacity and the experience gained by local authorities since 2018 can help progress new Schemes.
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