Written answers

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Department of Education and Skills

Special Educational Needs

Photo of Cathal CroweCathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)
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542. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will engage with the National Council for Special Education to ensure that it has adequate capacity to cater for training courses for teachers and SNAs working in ASD classes, that its ticketing system for a case to be referred to an adviser is urgently overhauled to ensure quicker response times and that additional enrolment capacity in picture exchange communication systems courses is made available. [37252/22]

Photo of Josepha MadiganJosepha Madigan (Dublin Rathdown, Fine Gael)
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I would like to thank the Deputy for the question and I would like to advise that my department officials have raised the matter with the NCSE who have provided the following response.

The NCSE co-ordinates, develops, and delivers a broad range of professional development seminars for teachers and principals working with students with special educational needs in primary and post-primary schools, as well as special classes and special schools. The NCSE calendar of teacher professional training seminars will be published in the coming weeks. These seminars are scheduled to be delivered in online or in-person formats. This includes seminars specifically developed for teachers working in autism classes, some of which will be delivered in collaboration with the Middletown Centre for Autism.

In addition to the NCSE programme of seminars and online resources, schools may apply directly to the NCSE to build their capacity to support autistic students in our schools through professional learning for whole staff, groups, and individual teachers where required. Schools can access this support by making a request through NCSE School Support Portal. Support is tailored to the specific professional learning needs within a school.

Once a school makes a request, all applications for in-school support are automatically assigned to the local team manager. Applications for support regarding autism are assigned to an appropriate Advisor. The NCSE endeavour to respond to all applications for support as expediently as possible. The timeframes for providing support may vary depending on the school context, the nature of the information supplied, or the availability of specialist Advisors.


At the request of the Department of Education, the NCSE tendered for a national training programme for SNAs, which has been delivered by UCD since 2021. In total, the programme will provide training for 3,500 SNAs over a four year period. There are five modules available in the programme, including a module on Autism. The programme is fully funded by the Department of Education and delivered at no cost to the participant.

Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS)

Schools can apply to the NCSE for funding to attend approved teacher professional development courses. This includes access to courses to train teachers in the use of Picture Exchange Communication Systems, also known as PECS, to respond to the communication needs of students, including autistic students, where recommended. Applications for funding are made through the NCSE School Support Portal. Applications are open to schools throughout the year and are processed on the basis that teachers receiving funding have students who would benefit.

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE)
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543. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 54 of 30 June 2022, if she will provide further information regarding when the additional special classes for students with autism in the Dublin 12 area, which the National Council for Special Education has confirmed are needed, will be set up and functional for students to avail of; and the reason that it has taken a number of years to meet the demand for places (details supplied). [37268/22]

Photo of Josepha MadiganJosepha Madigan (Dublin Rathdown, Fine Gael)
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Enabling children with special educational needs to receive an education is a priority for this Government.

This year, my Department will spend in excess of €2 Billion, or over 25% of the Department’s budget on providing a wide range of schemes and supports for children with special educational needs. This includes additional teaching and care supports.

As a result, the number of special education teachers, special needs assistants and special class and school places are at unprecedented levels.

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has responsibility for coordinating and advising on the education provision for children nationwide.

Over the last two years, my Department and the NCSE have worked closely on a more streamlined and joined up planning process which has ensured a targeted approach to meet demand for special needs placements ahead of each new school-year.

I am satisfied that this more joined up approach is delivering. Through this intensive intervention, we have seen over 300 special classes, providing over 1,800 new places, opened nationwide for the 2021/22 school-year.

I also acknowledge that notwithstanding the extent of this investment, there are some parts of the country where increases in population and other issues have led to concerns regarding a shortage of school places.

I can confirm that the NCSE is aware of an identified need for additional special classes for students with autism in the Dublin 12 area as referenced by the Deputy. Work has been underway with stakeholders for a number of years in this area to meet the demand for places.

The NCSE has well established structures in place for engaging with schools and parents and seeks to ensure that schools in an area can, between them, cater for all children who have been identified as needing special class placements.

NCSE Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) are liaising with schools and patrons in Dublin 12 to establish new special classes for the 2022/23 school year and beyond.

If the NCSE has not been able to secure the necessary placements in an area, it can activate a statutory provision contained in Section 37A of the Education Act 1998. Under this provision, and after a period of engagement, the Minister can direct a school to open a special class.

As the Deputy is aware I recently initiated the Section 37a process for a third time. The NCSE have written to me to advise that they have formed an opinion that there is insufficient special class capacity in primary schools and special school capacity in Dublin The NCSE report to the Minister on the matter, which will consider existing provision, any relevant proposed building works and which schools may be able to provide additional provision is currently being finalised. I am not in a position to elaborate further until this report is finalised.

As the Deputy is aware, my Department is currently progressing emergency legislation through the Houses. The Education (Provision in Respect of Children with Special Educational Needs) Bill 2022 provides for a truncated Section 37A process. It is envisaged that this new process can lead to a Ministerial direction to be served on school within 6 to 8 weeks of receiving a report from the NCSE setting out their opinion that there is insufficient schools places in a certain area.

I look forward to seeing this urgent legislation progressing over the coming weeks, being enacted and being available as another measure to ensure that we can continue to work to forward plan and provide an adequate number of special class and special school places for children.

My Department is committed, in conjunction with the NCSE, to continue to work with parents, schools, patrons and all stakeholders to ensure that there are sufficient appropriate places for students with additional needs and to support all students to achieve their potential.

I want to reassure the Deputy also that my Department will continue to support the NCSE and schools through the provision of the necessary funding and capital investment to ensure all children are successful in accessing an education.


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