Written answers

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Photo of Sorca ClarkeSorca Clarke (Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Fein)
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414. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence when refurbishment works will commence on blocks 4 and 8 in Haulbowline Naval Base; and the expected duration of works. [10074/22]

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael)
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I am pleased to advise the Deputy that the refurbishment works on Block 8 are now well advanced and work is scheduled for completion in the coming weeks. In relation to the refurbishment project for Block 4, I can confirm that my Department has in recent days appointed a design team to commence the detailed design work for this project, (block 4). Subject to the design and procurement process it is planned to have this project commence on site in late 2023.


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