Written answers

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Department of Justice and Equality

Immigration Status

Photo of Mick BarryMick Barry (Cork North Central, Solidarity)
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538. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the reason a person (details supplied) has experienced a delay in receiving a renewed GNIB card; the course of action the person can take to ensure they have no issues re-entering the State if they leave; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43337/21]

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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The person referred to by the Deputy is covered by the automatic extension of immigration permissions provided until 20 September 2021. The Immigration Service of my Department will be in contact with the person concerned shortly.

However it should be noted that any person is free to travel from the State regardless of whether their Irish Residence Permit (IRP) card is in date or expired. However, if the person’s IRP has expired and they are a visa-required national, they will require a re-entry visa to return to the State. They can apply to their local Visa Office/Embassy for that re-entry visa.

Non visa-required nationals trying to re-enter the State will be required to provide proof of their permission to reside in the State, such as a letter from my Department’s Immigration Service.

Queries in relation to the status of individual immigration cases may be made directly to my Department by e-mail using the Oireachtas Mail facility at INISOireachtasMail@justice.ie, which has been specifically established for this purpose. This service enables up to date information on such cases to be obtained without the need to seek information by way of the Parliamentary Question process. The Deputy may consider using the e-mail service except in the cases where the response is, in the Deputy's view, inadequate or too long awaited.

Photo of Mick BarryMick Barry (Cork North Central, Solidarity)
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539. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the reason for the delay a person (details supplied) has experienced in renewing a GNIB card; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43338/21]

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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As the Deputy will be aware, registrations for people living outside of the Dublin area are processed by the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) through the Garda Station network.

I have sought the information requested from the Garda Commissioner and I will write to the Deputy directly once the information is to hand.


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