Written answers

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Family Support Services

Photo of Thomas PringleThomas Pringle (Donegal, Independent)
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86. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the steps she will take to fill the gap in provision of family services left by the recently announced closure of a service (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [51150/19]

Photo of Katherine ZapponeKatherine Zappone (Dublin South West, Independent)
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I met recently with ParentStop, Tusla officials and public representatives from Donegal to discuss the provision of parenting support services in the area. It was agreed at this meeting that Tusla, HSE and Department officials would hold a follow-up meeting to address this matter, this meeting is expected to take place next Monday.

Tusla provides funding for community-based programmes and services which aim to promote the health, wellbeing and rights of all children, young people and their families. In 2019 ParentStop was funded by both Tusla and the HSE.

Funding of services is informed by Tusla’s commissioning approach. Tusla seeks to fund services in the most beneficial, effective, efficient, proportionate and sustainable manner, in order to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and families.

The precise level of funding to be allocated to specific services, including family support services, is considered by Tusla, in preparing its annual business plan, having regard to its statutory remit and taking account of the totality of funding available each year. A similar approach is taken by the HSE when preparing its national service plan each year.

I understand that both Tusla and the HSE will maintain the existing level of funding provided for ParentStop’s parenting support services and are exploring ways in which the gap in parenting services can be provided through an alternative family support service.

Tusla remains committed to commissioning and developing supports for parents and I will update the Deputy as Tusla and the HSE advance options to ensure that parenting support services in Donegal are maintained.


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