Written answers

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Department of Education and Skills

School Accommodation Provision

Photo of Joe O'BrienJoe O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Green Party)
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208. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the expansion plans for a school (details supplied); if sanction has been given for expansion in 2020; and if sanction has been given for expansion beyond 2020. [51511/19]

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Donegal, Fine Gael)
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I am pleased to inform the Deputy that, in relation to the school to which he refers, my Department has approved funding for a permanent extension consisting of 3 general classrooms, 3 SET/offices, science laboratory and prep area, art room and toilets. This funding is being provided under the Additional Accommodation Scheme 2019. I can also inform him that, pending the delivery of the permanent extension, the Department of Education and Skills has also approved interim temporary accommodation consisting of 3 mainstream classrooms with toilets along with converting an existing space to create a science laboratory. This accommodation will be in place for September 2020.

The requirement for new schools will be kept under on-going review and in particular will have regard for the increased rollout of housing provision as outlined in Project Ireland 2040.


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