Written answers

Friday, 6 September 2019

Department of Education and Skills

Schools Building Projects Status

Photo of Pearse DohertyPearse Doherty (Donegal, Sinn Fein)
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404. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of plans to build a new school building at a school (details supplied). [35948/19]

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Donegal, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The Deputy will be aware that this project has been devolved to Donegal Education and Training Board (DETB) for delivery.

I am pleased to inform the Deputy that DETB has appointed a new architect to complete the delivery of the extension project. This architect will now work with the existing design team to finalise the Stage 2A process prior to lodging planning permission, which is still expected to take place in September/October.

I can also inform the Deputy that approval was given by my Department to carry out a series of works, which included surveys of the existing main building to investigate issues with it, refurbishment works on the existing temporary accommodation on site, and works to address disabled access issues. I am pleased to inform the Deputy that these works were carried out over the summer months and, aside from a small number of surveys, are now completed.

It is my understanding that the school management are happy with the high standard of work carried out. The Department will continue to work closely with the school and the ETB to process the project.


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