Written answers

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Department of Health

Ambulance Service Provision

Photo of Charlie McConalogueCharlie McConalogue (Donegal North East, Fianna Fail)
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664. To ask the Minister for Health if he will provide an update on the Health Information and Quality Authority review of ambulance services; when the review will be published; when he expects the recommendations of the review will be implemented; if funding will be ring-fenced from the Health Service Executive budget 2015 to implement the recommendations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [41390/14]

Photo of Leo VaradkarLeo Varadkar (Dublin West, Fine Gael)
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HIQA has advised my Department that the review is nearing completion. I look forward to receiving the report, the findings of which will, I hope, inform the ongoing development and improvement of the National Ambulance Service.


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