Written answers
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Department of Health and Children
Medical Cards
5:00 pm
Noel Ahern (Dublin North West, Fianna Fail)
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Question 93: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the processing of medical card applications; if existing cards are still valid until the renewal process, including appeal, is completed; the reason applications are being refused to persons on basic social welfare payments only; if basic reasoning has been lost in the new system; and the further reason a renewal application in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9 has been refused. [22556/10]
Mary Harney (Dublin Mid West, Independent)
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I wish to advise the Deputy that due to industrial action affecting the Health Service Executive it is not possible for the Executive to supply the information requested. If this matter remains of continuing concern to you, however, I would invite you to raise it with me again in due course.
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