Written answers

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government

Social and Affordable Housing

Photo of Joe CostelloJoe Costello (Dublin Central, Labour)
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Question 147: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the breakdown by local authority of the number of houses and the number of apartments leased under the leasing initiative; the breakdown by unit size in each category and the duration of the leases; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35818/09]

Photo of Michael FinneranMichael Finneran (Roscommon-South Leitrim, Fianna Fail)
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To date my Department has approved over 1,200 units for use under the Social Housing Leasing Initiative. Of these, 842 have been issued with funding approval and a further 367 units have been given provisional approval for leasing. Details of the housing authority areas, where funding approval has been issued, are set out in the table.

Housing authority areaNo of approved units for leasing
Cork County Council28
Dublin City Council365
Fingal County Council97
Laois County Council56
Louth County Council20
Meath County Council74
Offaly County Council21
South Dublin County Council103
Templemore Town Council20
Wexford County Council18
Westmeath County Council40

Details in relation to the unit size, type and duration of the lease agreements will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as possible.


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