Written answers

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

FÁS Training Programmes

9:00 pm

Photo of Brian HayesBrian Hayes (Dublin South West, Fine Gael)
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Question 131: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the strategy she has for the restructuring of State financed training programmes to make them more responsive to changing economic conditions; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [31009/08]

Photo of Mary CoughlanMary Coughlan (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)
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Several of the agencies for which my Department has responsibility provide training to those in employment or those seeking employment. However the bulk of such training is provided by FÁS, the Training and Employment Authority. The current FÁS Strategy Statement outlines the vision and direction for FÁS for the period 2006 to 2009. The Strategy is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the mix of training and employment programmes available respond to the changing needs of the economy, including those of the trainees.

The process of developing the next strategy statement to cover the period 2010 to 2013 has already commenced. This process will involve close collaboration with my Department and include a comprehensive internal and external consultation process involving all relevant stakeholders.

In addition to the FÁS funded and FÁS provided programmes, the Skillnets model provides an effective response to the dramatic economic changes underway. As economic changes impact upon Skillnets networks, programmes are revised to match the priorities of member companies. This process reflects the essential strength of the Skillnets model. The model ensures each network has the flexibility to adapt quickly to change and keep their offering relevant to the needs of Irish industry.

My Department is currently commencing a review into labour market programmes, including training programmes. This review will examine these programmes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and draw conclusions about the adequacy and balance of resources in the context of current and future labour market policy challenges taking into account the recommendations of the National Skills Strategy.


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