Written answers
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Department of Education and Science
Information and Communications Technology
9:00 pm
Jack Wall (Kildare South, Labour)
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Question 1719: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the funding provided to purchase computers for schools; the funding provided to schools in County Kildare; the plans he has to extend this scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30264/08]
Batt O'Keeffe (Cork North West, Fianna Fail)
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I recently published the ICT Strategy Group Report, Investing Effectively in ICT in Schools 2008-2013, together with the evaluation report undertaken by my Department's Inspectorate, ICT in Schools, which represents the first major study of the impact that ICT is having on teaching and learning in our schools. While acknowledging the progress made since the ICT in Schools Programme was first launched some ten years ago, these Reports set out a substantial agenda to be pursued to fully integrate ICT into teaching and learning in our classrooms.
The Government's commitment to pursuing the integration of ICT in teaching and learning is set out in the Programme for Government. The National Development Plan envisages investment of some €252m in this area over the period of the Plan. While we face significant challenges in implementing some of the recommendations made in these Reports having regard to the current public finance position, I am committed to investing in this area as resources permit and I am anxious that we progress a number of key deliverables as soon as possible.
The role of the individual school ICT co-ordinator will be prioritised along with support for school principals. Nationwide seminars on e-Learning for these personnel will be held and handbooks on planning and implementing e-Learning in Schools are in preparation. A professional development course for ICT co-ordinating teachers on the development of e-Learning Plans will also be available. The National Centre for Technology in Education will collaborate with the various school support agencies to integrate ICT into the delivery of all support services. New on-line and blended ICT professional courses will be offered and ICT will be integrated into all curriculum development activities. My Department will shortly issue a tender for the next round of the Schools' Broadband Programme and the range of services available to schools will be expanded. A free website hosting service will be provided to schools, which will provide a unique '.scoilnet.ie' website address to schools.
The specific information sought by the Deputy in relation to schools in Kildare is not readily available. Since its introduction, some €200m has been invested in the ICT in Schools Programme and schools have received specific ICT equipment grants and networking grants under the various initiatives of the ICT in Schools Programme.
Outside of the specific ICT in Schools Programme, new post-primary school buildings projects include ICT equipment budgets and since 2004, all new school building projects must comply with the Department's ICT Infrastructure Guidelines. The Grant Scheme for Minor Works to National School Properties includes ICT equipment within the range of approved school expenditure. Disadvantaged schools are also benefiting from the €3.4m ICT Grant scheme for DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) Schools from the Dormant Accounts (Educational Disadvantage) Fund. A further €1m Fund is being supported from the Dormant Account Fund to assist up to 100 DEIS schools achieve digital schools status. The arrangements for the initiative are being finalised with the NCTE. Grants have also been issued to some 500 post-primary schools to enable them to upgrade their facilities to enable them to provide the new Technology syllabus and the revised Design and Communication Graphics syllabus with effect from September 2007.
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