Written answers
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Department of Health and Children
Accident and Emergency Services
9:00 pm
Michael Noonan (Limerick East, Fine Gael)
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Question 490: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the plans she has to ensure the provision of a 24 hour seven day week full accident and emergency unit at St. John's Hospital, Limerick; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30219/08]
Mary Harney (Dublin Mid West, Progressive Democrats)
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The Health Service Executive commissioned Horwath Consultants in association with Teamwork Management Services in February 2007 to examine the arrangements for the provision of acute hospital services in the Mid West with a view to identifying the best configuration of such services in the region including arrangements for A&E, critical care, acute medicine and surgery, together with diagnostic services so that the highest quality of care can be delivered to the population of the region. This work encompasses the services provided by St John's Hospital, Limerick.
The work of the consultants will act as one of the inputs to decisions on how best to reconfigure acute services in the Mid West region. The Government and the Executive are committed to ensuring that the approach to re-organisation of services is carried out in consultation with the key stakeholders and that each element is progressed incrementally. I believe that it is important to work with health professionals and other interested parties to secure an increasing set of improvements over time. This approach will, I am confident, produce the best outcome for patients.
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