Written answers
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Migrant Workers
11:00 pm
Eamon Ryan (Dublin South, Green Party)
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Question 146: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment his views on the fact that in the first six weeks of 2007, 17 of the 3,164 Romanians who entered Ireland and received personal public service numbers have applied for permission to work here; his further views on whether these figures are indicative of an emerging black economy; and the measure he will take to prevent same. [8561/07]
Micheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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I note the figures given by the Deputy. It is too early yet to say whether or not they are indicative of a definite, sustained trend.
A major package of measures has been agreed by the parties to Towards 2016, the new Social Partnership Agreement, to provide for enhanced public confidence in the system of compliance. New legislation will be published this year which will empower the Labour Inspectorate to join with the Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Revenue Commissioners to work together in Joint Investigation Units. Such units will have a particular focus on the employment status of workers. The National Employment Rights Authority, which has already been established on an interim basis, is currently meeting with the Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Revenue Commissioners with a view to the early establishment and operation of Joint Investigation Units within existing legal and administrative frameworks.
I am informed by the Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Revenue Commissioners that attention is paid by them to the matter of bogus self-employment in the course of their compliance activities and appropriate action taken. Complaints in relation to bogus self-employment should be referred to all or any of the following — the Labour Inspectorate of the National Employment Rights Authority, the Department of Social and Family Affairs or the Revenue Commissioners.
New legislation will be published this year that will provide for enhanced employment rights measures including the establishment of the National Employment Rights Authority. Providing for greater clarity in the application of employment rights legislation to employees and the self-employed will be considered in the context of drawing up that legislation.
The package of measures provided for under Towards 2016 will be supported by enhanced employment rights promotional and educational efforts. The Social Partners and other organisations such as the Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Revenue Commissioners will be invited to bring their knowledge and networks to bear on the design and delivery of this education and awareness programme which, it is anticipated, will also address the issues associated with bogus self-employment.
Towards 2016 also includes a number of other specific commitments in relation to employment status and in relation to the "Hidden Economy". The Government and social partners have agreed under the Towards 2016 to review the application of the existing Code of Practice on employee status with a view to more effective implementation. My Department will be actively involved in that review. In addition, the Government and the social partners agreed under the Towards 2016 to continue and expand the Hidden Economy Working Group. The group, which comprises representatives of the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, the Department of Social and Family Affairs, ICTU, IBEC, SFA, CIF and, since the ratification of the Social Partnership Agreement, my own Department and the National Employment Rights Authority, has met on two occasions to date.
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