Written answers

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Department of Education and Science

Physical Education Facilities

11:00 pm

Photo of Jimmy DeenihanJimmy Deenihan (Kerry North, Fine Gael)
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Question 469: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the budget spent on the provision of facilities and the promotion of physical education by her Department in primary schools here in 2005; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [8438/07]

Photo of Mary HanafinMary Hanafin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)
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The specific information sought by the Deputy is not readily available. However, the Deputy can be assured that my Department fully recognises the key role of physical exercise within the school environment and continues to respond to the need to improve PE facilities for all pupils attending primary schools.

PE facilities have been provided, where appropriate, as part of my Department's record school building programme which between the years 2000 to 2006 involved the delivery of over 7,800 projects with an investment of €2.6 billion. The budget for 2007 is the first year of the rollout of the new NDP which will involve an investment of over €4.5 billion in school buildings over the next 7 years, including €306m for primary schools this year alone. This multi-annual funding will enable my Department to continue to take a proactive approach to the provision of modern school accommodation including PE facilities.

A special PE funding package, of €6.5 million, issued late last year to primary schools. Under the package, schools received €2,000 towards the cost of replacing and upgrading PE equipment. This grant was issued, as a once-off measure, to enable schools to replace older equipment such as goalposts, PE mats, benches etc. The modern equipment which can be purchased will help facilitate PE and sporting activities in schools, which everyone recognises is a very important aspect of school life. This funding package was made as part of this Government's continued commitment to modernise facilities in schools throughout the country.

In addition, since 2000 my Department has provided in excess of €5.5m in grant-aid to primary schools to facilitate the provision of coaching or mentoring in connection with physical education or to purchase resource materials associated with the provision of physical education.

Under the furniture and equipment element of my Department's School Building and Modernisation Programme funding is available for the provision of additional equipment at developing schools or the replacement of outdated/damaged equipment.

I increased the level of grant payable under the annual devolved grant scheme for minor works to national schools last November. All primary schools with full recognition receive a basic grant of €5,500 plus €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil. This grant is intended to address works required to the physical infrastructure of the schools or on items of furniture and equipment for educational use, including PE and IT related equipment.

Primary schools that establish a class for special needs pupils receive a once-off grant of €6,500 per class to purchase equipment, including physical education equipment, that they feel best meets the needs of the pupils attending the class.

I would also point out that schools may use their general capitation funding to support the implementation of curricula including Physical Education. Since 1997 the standard rate of capitation grant at primary level has been increased from €57.14 per pupil to €163.58 from 1st January 2007.


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