Written answers

Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Department of Agriculture and Food

Farm Retirement Scheme

9:00 pm

Photo of John PerryJohn Perry (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael)
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Question 69: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food if she will index link the early retirement pension; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [13992/05]

Photo of Mary CoughlanMary Coughlan (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)
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The rate of pension payable under the 1994 scheme of early retirement from farming is the maximum amount provided for by the EU Council regulation under which the scheme was introduced. The regulation does not provide for indexation of payments.

My Department's proposals for the current early retirement scheme, which commenced on 27 November 2000 and is one of the measures in the CAP rural development plan for the period 2000-06, included provision for annual increases in pension over the period of the plan. The European Commission rejected this proposal and insisted on legal grounds that a fixed rate be set instead.


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