Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

1:00 pm

Photo of Lisa ChambersLisa Chambers (Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I move:

That Seanad Éireann approves the following regulations in draft: Health Act 1970 (Section 45(3)) (Classes of Persons) Regulations 2024, copies of which have been laid in draft form before Seanad Éireann on 16th May, 2024, in accordance with Section 45(4) of the Health Act 1970.

Question put and agreed to.

Cuireadh an Seanad ar fionraí ar 2.44 p.m. agus cuireadh tús leis arís ar 3.17 p.m.

Sitting suspended at 2.44 p.m. and resumed at 3.17 p.m.