Seanad debates

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed)


10:25 am

Photo of Eileen FlynnEileen Flynn (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I am not being disrespectful in any way, shape or form in saying that Travellers are only mentioned twice in the legislation. In 2017, Fine Gael recognised Travellers as an ethnic minority group. Today, the Government has an opportunity to put its money where its mouth is by naming Travellers in the Bill in the context of appropriate accommodation. Again, some of our amendments, as Senator Higgins rightly said, are easy wins. I know we are not discussing this right now, but engagement with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is something that could be accepted.

I do not want to throw around allegations in the House. A lot of work has gone into the Bill, but I only get one bite of the cherry. I may never get the opportunity to be here again, no more than anybody else. I want to make sure that I do justice to people who are not really included in the third largest Bill to go through the Oireachtas. I urge the Minister of State to consider some of our amendments. We have more than 600 amendments. That is an awful lot. I know it is frustrating to the Opposition. It is not about wanting to cause trouble or anything of the sort. We are coming to this, as I said, from our committees and from listening to people on the ground. Some of our amendments, as Senators rightly said, are very simple.


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