Seanad debates

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed)


10:25 am

Photo of Malcolm NoonanMalcolm Noonan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Green Party) | Oireachtas source

I thank Senator Currie for withdrawing her amendment. I give a commitment that we will look at those elements of public participation.

I will make a general point on the comments made by Senators Black, Flynn and Higgins. They are correct that this is the third largest Bill in the history of the State. We have spent close to 130 hours on Committee Stage, where a large number of Opposition amendments were accepted that have significantly improved the Bill. We appreciate the democratic process and the work that is put in by Senators, Deputies and their teams in bringing forward genuine amendments to try to help improve the Bill. I give that assurance.

Senator Flynn mentioned the issue of Traveller accommodation. My colleague, the Minister of State, Deputy Dillon, had a meeting where there was very good progress on Traveller accommodation and budgets for such accommodation generally. That is not specific to these amendments but I make the general point that the Government is listening.

The Government has taken on board quite a lot of Opposition amendments, particularly at the select committee but also in the Dáil. It is important that we listen, and that the public participation element is embedded and enshrined in the Bill. We are taking those concerns on board. It is far from what the Senators said. We have given the Bill very significant consideration. Our officials are working diligently to ensure that it is as strong as it needs to be. It is very important legislation.


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