Dáil debates

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

National Internship Scheme Administration

2:20 pm

Photo of Joan BurtonJoan Burton (Dublin West, Labour) | Oireachtas source

I will take the last question first. The reason is that as the Deputy is aware, very young people who have no engagement in the labour market get a reduced rate of payment. If, for instance, they undertake a JobBridge experience, in some cases young people who have left school early may not even have finished the junior certificate or possibly have not completed the leaving certificate. In the whole approach to the Youth Guarantee, the Government wishes to end the position where unfortunately, a small group of young people in some areas opt to go directly onto social welfare.

We want to offer them instead an opportunity to engage in education and training, including apprenticeships and work experience that includes learning. This is part of a strategy of asking young people to engage positively, rather than claiming social welfare and limiting their prospects of securing employment and financial independence.


Una Dunphy
Posted on 16 Jul 2014 9:06 pm (Report this comment)

Perhaps in addressing the vulnerable young people who leave school early and later attempt to improve their situation, the minister should engage with those providing state funded education for a collaborative approach. I have students who have got through two years of Senior cycle, with incredible committment now to be faced with cut dole payments and no realistic course options. Job bridge does not address their needs and where is the Youth guarantee for them. Those who finish at 17, and that is the age many finish, face no jobseeker payment, no grant for plc or college and their parents are cut off the child benefit payment because they are no longer in education. This is not acceptable for those left in limbo, yes incentivise work/training but you have to provide it.

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