Dáil debates
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Social Insurance
3:00 am
Billy Timmins (Wicklow, Fine Gael)
Would the Minister agree that it might be beneficial if we had a mechanism whereby we could put a figure on this?
3:00 am
Billy Timmins (Wicklow, Fine Gael)
Would the Minister agree that it might be beneficial if we had a mechanism whereby we could put a figure on this?
Thomas Clarke
Posted on 24 Nov 2010 10:30 pm (Report this comment)
As an unemployed (self-employed person) I have been so for the last 2 years now
I do not receive any benefits nothing I was told I had too much money in the bank and I would have to spend all of it before I could eligible for jobseekers allowance
I was also told I did not need to come to the dole office anymore as I was not in receipt of any benefits
I am also aware that my pension contributions are not been paid by the dole office again they maintain that they do not have to pay these as they say I am not entitled to such payments
Now why would I ever again set up a business create jobs for 16 people and take risks and end up with nothing no safety net .I get the feeling that the government doesn�t want to know and wants to keep me on the scrap heap
I am married with two children how this is good for the country/how is making a pauper going to help Ireland get out of the mess it is in right now?
What Kind of F- idiots are you all in the Dail? What about the smart economy, No smart economy Fas courses at 55 years of age I am as good as dead when my funds run out!
All of you are a disgrace and I will run against you in the next election and I will have the greatest pleasure in cutting all you salaries to the average industrial wage and I will slash your pension entitlements right down to the average national pension
Its time you peacocks were made live like the rest of us
Thomas Clarke