Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Select Committee on Health

Estimates for Public Services 2024
Vote 38 - Health (Supplementary)

9:30 am

Ms Louise McGirr:

We are on target with our savings to date. This document has been published and we will send a link after the committee meeting with the details of it. I am also happy to take any questions on it. We are on target for a total of €100 million of savings by the end of the year. That includes high performance in medicine savings and management consultancy. Both of those areas are on track. Medicine savings are ahead of where it is supposed to be. There are also savings in terms of some of the pay elements forecast for later in the year. We are on track for those. The pay targets are now actually part of the overall HSE limits and expenditure after the mid-year settlement. Once the HSE lives within the €1.7 billion, it will actually have changed the trajectory of spend in the beginning of the year significantly to reduce its spend.