Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Committee on Budgetary Oversight

Infrastructure Guidelines: Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform

Mr. Kevin Meaney:

We have changed two aspects. First, as part of the preliminary business case, there is now a separate area and requirement that when the options are put forward, especially the shortlisted final three or four options, the greenhouse gas emissions are published in a table on their own separate from, say, a wider value for money choice. The second is reflecting on our national targets. We had to look at the prices we charge each of those emissions within the economic appraisal. In respect of any individual project, which includes roads, it is a tool to guide the decision-making process. It is a further level of information the Government or any Minister, particularly the Minister for Transport, will have as to the different options that are up for discussion and the emissions. As I said in my opening statement, it is not only about whether it goes ahead. It can also guide better design choice. For example, is there an option that is a similar type of project that can deliver similar value but this way of doing it is much lower in carbon emissions than an alternative way of doing it?