Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Use of Agricultural Land for Renewable Energy: ESB Networks

Mr. Nicholas Tarrant:

We are happy to address the question.

When it comes to the building of electricity infrastructure by the likes of ESB Networks, that cost is borne ultimately by all customers, irrespective of whom they buy their electricity from. Even though you do not see it in the electricity bill, there is a payment to cover the cost of the installation of new capital projects on the electricity network or to cover our operating costs. If that cost is higher, ultimately customers, whether it be businesses or domestic customers, must bear that cost. One of the roles that we have to undertake as the distribution system operator or asset owner is to efficiently build the network and the cost of underground cable is significantly higher than building overhead lines. We are a regulated business and our costs have to be overseen by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities. Ultimately, it is more expensive to build underground cables. If one looks at the dispersed nature of the population in Ireland, it would not be economically viable to be building that network. As we mentioned in our opening statement, we have 180,000 km of network and that number will grow over the years ahead.