Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Rights-Based Approach and Disability Legislation: Discussion

Mr. Frank Hanlon:

On the SNA allocation, the circular issued this morning for the allocations for September. We have been talking to schools and stakeholders. We got it out a month earlier than last year and we continue to work on streamlining it as much as possible. In mainstream and across the board we have seen over 1,000 additional SNAs per year being added into the system over the last three years, so there are a lot of new SNAs going into it. We are working with the NCSE on streamlining the review process because, as the Deputy pointed out, that is the critical point in being able to access the resources in the most efficient way possible. There has been some move towards that since last year and it has meant more reviews could take place. Looking forward to September, we have been talking to some of the schools and especially the ones with the new and developing posts where there is a need. We are looking to further streamline that process with the NCSE. We have been in discussions with it and the management bodies about that.