Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Public Accounts Committee

An Bord Pleanála - Financial Statements 2021

9:30 am

Ms Oonagh Buckley:

That relates to the remaining SHD applications before the board. I hope we would have dealt with all the remaining ones, subject to judicial review, by the end of this year. As the Deputy may have seen from press reports, the board is, in fact, now the engine of An Bord Pleanála and taking decisions on these applications has commenced. In fact, we have taken decisions and determined applications relating to approximately just over 6,000 units even in the past three to four weeks. The board's decision-making process has started to move again. That is one of the things I want to say to members today. With the new board members that have been appointed, the engine is moving again, if you like, and hopefully it will accelerate.