Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Autism
Services and Supports Provided by the State for Autistic People: Discussion (Resumed)
Dr. Rosalyn Tamming:
As Mr. Hunt mentioned, we are doing a cost-benefit analysis of universal design in housing. We hope to have that done by the middle of this year. That will be beneficial in helping to make the argument around that. I do not have the exact figures the Deputy was quoting. With construction inflation, they may have changed a lot anyway.
I would just make one other point based on what Deputy Ó Murchú asked about autism prevalence. This came up recently because the CSO was doing a consultation for the next census and what questions should go in. Autism has come up in that regard. A lot of people, different groups and Departments have proposed that there be a question about autism on the next census to get those prevalence data. We looked at that and I am sure the census office will set up a subgroup to discuss it further. There is definitely a gap in data on autism but the census may not be the best way to get that. There are a lot of administrative data sets out there that may be incomplete and which could be linked to census data in the future to get more detail about a person. After the 2006 census, a national disability survey was done using a random selection of people who said they had a disability in the census. A very in-depth follow-up questionnaire was done with them, which was hugely important in providing a lot of information. We still quote information from that survey in our work. We are hoping that after the 2027 census, a similar study could be repeated and would fill a lot of the gaps that currently exist. Collection of data is a huge part of the UNCRPD, as is monitoring of strategies and that sort of thing. We think that would be a very valuable thing to do.