Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Public Accounts Committee

Mental Health Services - Financial Statements 2020

9:30 am

Mr. Stephen Mulvany:

The date we have always provided is when we would have 80% and 90% completed of the entire public healthcare system. The statutory piece is the largest single component of that and it has moved by about 12 months, for the reasons I mentioned.

If I could clarify in regard to the recruitment targets, the development moneys are ring-fenced for the purpose that is intended. We centrally hold development moneys for posts until we have confirmation the posts are in place. Any offsetting, or use of them on a once-off basis, does not take them out of that purpose and, therefore, they are available the following year when the posts are recruited. The money is not lost and has been retained.