Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Tracker Mortgages: Bank of Ireland

7:10 pm

Mr. John O'Beirne:

If a staff member was on a tracker, or if he or she started on a variable and moved to a tracker, and he or she went to the staff product and fixed, then if he or she was on a tracker, he or she would be put back on a tracker. If the staff member never had a tracker and he or she moved into the staff product and then on to the two-year fixed, then he or she will not roll back on to a tracker. At the beginning of the memo dated October 2008, referred to by the previous Deputy, it is stated that one would roll back to original contractual rate. There is language that caused confusion later in the memo. The bank issued a subsequent memo later that month and then wrote to all staff clarifying that position. We recognise, through the course of the examination, particularly for those staff who started on a tracker, that the level of communication was unclear. As Ms McDonagh has outlined, that is why we have included them in the documentation to try to manage that.