Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Public Accounts Committee
Special Report No. 94 of the Comptroller and Auditor General: National Asset Management Agency Sale of Project Eagle (Resumed)
10:00 am
David Cullinane (Waterford, Sinn Fein)
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I put to Mr. Soffe what the Minister said. He said, "On the allegation of a corrupted process, we can agree that there was a corrupted process." There was also a briefing document that was done for the Minister by his officials in the Department. It described the success fees or fixer's fees, call them what you like, as shocking. We also know from an exchange with Mr. Daly when he was before the committee that there are differences of opinion as to whether PIMCO left voluntarily or whether it withdrew. He strongly argued that the board took a decision that PIMCO had to go because of the emergence of the success fees or fixer's fees. It is quite incredible that the board took a decision, as is being said, that PIMCO had to go on the basis of the emergence of success fees, even though that is disputed in the Comptroller and Auditor General's report and the Minister for Finance has agreed that the process was corrupted. Given what we now know, I find it incredible that the board members can come in and say that they do not believe that the process was corrupted. Will Mr. Soffe explain what he means by that?