Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 October 2024

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Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2023: Health Service Executive

9:30 am

Photo of Paul McAuliffePaul McAuliffe (Dublin North West, Fianna Fail)

I would love to explore that point more but I just do not have the time. Turning to the non-compliant procurement, this is the first thing we look at in this committee. The HSE estimated that the total expenditure on goods and services subject to procurement rules was €4.2 billion. Again, this amount is multiples of an entire Government Department in some cases. The idea that anywhere close to 12%, and I think there is a big question around this figure, of this amount is non-compliant is highly significant. Serious questions must also be asked in the context of the self-assessed project that was done. These include the level of co-operation with it and the lack of data on who procured documents, etc. Perhaps Mr. Gloster could talk us through this aspect a little and what is being done in this area, because it is particularly concerning.


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