Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Public Accounts Committee

2022 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 35 - Army Pensions
Vote 36 - Defence
Report on the Accounts of the Public Services 2022
Chapter 12: Stock Management in the Defence Forces

9:30 am

Photo of Verona MurphyVerona Murphy (Wexford, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I would not think it is because, reading the report, 80% of employees are in the €20,000 to €60,000 pay scale bracket. Is it any wonder we are haemorrhaging people out of the Defence Forces? Has that been looked at? Has a retention mechanism been looked at? A total of €9.9 million, if I am correct, was given back in Vote 36. Where can the dots not be joined on retention over recruitment? It seems to be possible to recruit administrative staff, who are on a higher pay scale, with more success than front-line staff, which is what we require. We have six ships, two of which are manned with personnel and four - a quarter of a billion euro worth of capital - sitting at piers somewhere in Ireland. The Department's efforts regarding recruitment pale in comparison to spend. Retention issues are not being addressed at all. Are exit interviews done?


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