Written answers

Monday, 9 September 2024

Department of Health

General Practitioner Services

Photo of Violet-Anne WynneViolet-Anne Wynne (Clare, Independent)
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1914.To ask the Minister for Health the means by which a pregnant person (details supplied) is supposed to avail of sufficient maternity care if no local GPs are willing to take her on as a patient; and if he will make a statement on the matter.[35798/24]

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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GPs are private practitioners, most of whom hold a GMS contract with the HSE for the provision of GP services without charge to medical card and GP visit card holders.

Where a person who holds a medical card or GP visit card, experiences difficulty in finding a GP to accept them as a patient, that person having unsuccessfully applied to at least three GPs in the area (or fewer if there are fewer GPs in the area) can apply to the HSE National Medical Card Unit which has the power to assign a GMS patient to a GP's GMS patient list in accordance with the GMS contract.

People who do not hold a medical card or GP visit card access GP services on a private basis and can make enquiries directly to any GP practice they wish to register with. As private practitioners, it is a matter for each individual GP to decide whether to accept additional private patients. Where a GP practice has a full list of patients and cannot take on new patients, patients should contact other GP practices in the surrounding areas.

It is worth noting that eligibility for a GP visit card was extended last year to all those who earn up to the median household income, which has greatly increased the number of persons eligible for a GP visit card. The qualifying threshold calculation takes into consideration the applicant’s particular expenses and the number of dependents as well as their income, allowing for those who have a higher income but also experience high expenses to potentially qualify for a card.

Medical services during pregnancy are provided under the Maternity and Infant Scheme. The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme provides an agreed programme of care to expectant mothers ordinarily resident in Ireland. This combined medical service is provided by the family GP and a maternity unit/hospital and includes a schedule of alternating examinations at the GP’s practice and a maternity unit/hospital, as well as two post-natal visits. Where a person does not have a GP, they may contact their local maternity unit directly for an appointment.


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