Written answers

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government

Wildlife Protection

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE)
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89. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if the NPWS will be prosecuting a retailer who was selling illegal electronic traps in breach of the Wildlife Act 1976 snares and traps regulations (details supplied). [27353/24]

Photo of Malcolm NoonanMalcolm Noonan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Green Party)
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I understand that the National Parks and Wildlife Service of my Department had conducted an investigation in relation to the sale of electronic rodent traps by a retailer. Upon notification of the legal status of the traps, the retailer promptly removed them from sale and quarantined them until their UK-based manufacturer could collect them.

The decision to prosecute is taken carefully on case by case basis and on consideration of a number of factors including evidentiary standard, public interest and legal advice. It would not be appropriate for me to comment further at this time.

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE)
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90. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will ban larsen traps due to the stress and suffering caused to trapped birds and the fact that they are banned in Denmark, their country of origin. [27354/24]

Photo of Malcolm NoonanMalcolm Noonan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Green Party)
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The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of my Department has commenced a project to review and update wildlife legislation. This is an extensive review and is a multi-year project. It will examine closely the effectiveness of our legislation in protecting wildlife and regulating activities that adversely impact on wildlife and biodiversity. A first phase of public consultation will commence soon. Many aspects of legislation will be examined as part of this project, including the issue raised in the Question.


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