Written answers

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Department of Rural and Community Development

National Broadband Plan

Photo of Denis NaughtenDenis Naughten (Roscommon-Galway, Independent)
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56. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development when the present availability of the 300 high-speed internet hubs announced under the National Broadband Plan on 19 November 2019; the steps which she is taking to maximise their use; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26254/24]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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One of the key focuses of Our Rural Future, the Government's Rural Development Policy 2021-2025, is optimising digital connectivity to support vibrant, sustainable rural communities. I want to close the digital divide between rural and urban communities and ensure that those living in rural communities are provided with the same opportunities as those in larger urban areas. I am working to achieve this ambition by providing significant funding and support through my Department.

Broadband Connection Points (BCPs) are public locations which were selected to receive high-speed connectivity as part of the National Broadband Plan. The locations of BCPs have been selected by local authorities and include public areas such as community halls, libraries, sports clubs, enterprise hubs, tourist locations and other public spaces. They are located in rural and isolated areas including on a number of off-shore islands and support remote working, digital skills training and a range of community initiatives. 294 BCPs are now live and fully operational. The connection of a small number of remaining sites is currently being finalised.

My Department has facilitated a number of projects to take advantage of the opportunities that connectivity offers, and provide solutions to challenges or address gaps in service that have been identified by the Department, local authority or other stakeholders. Projects in thematic areas such as Remote Working, Digital Skills and Education and Arts and Culture have been developed in partnership with key stakeholders and rolled out to suitable BCPs across the network.

Following progress on the establishment of the BCP Network, my Department, together with the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, is leading on the formulation of a first National Hub Strategy, in consultation with key stakeholders. This strategy will inform the future direction of the National Hub Network and ensure the strategic development and sustainability of Ireland’s Hub Infrastructure, including the BCP network.


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