Written answers

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Department of An Taoiseach

Personal Public Service Numbers

Photo of Leo VaradkarLeo Varadkar (Dublin West, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

26.To ask the Taoiseach the number of PPS numbers issued to Ukrainian adult and children beneficiaries of temporary protection and to estimate how many of these are still active [25151/24]

Photo of Hildegarde NaughtonHildegarde Naughton (Galway West, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

As of 27thMay 2024, there were 107,285 PPS numbers issued to adult and children Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine. Of these, 78,480 were adults aged 18 and over, and 28,805 were children aged 17 and under.

Of these PPS numbers issued, 76%, or 82,034 had activity in administrative data after 29thFebruary 2024. For adults, this figure was equal to 75%, or 59,217, for children, it was equal to 79%, or 22,817.

The activity in administrative data analysis is based on an experimental methodology conducted by the Central Statistics Office which provides an indication on whether arrivals from Ukraine have stayed or left. Attending an Intreo event, having a welfare payment date, starting a SOLAS course, getting paid for employment, having an active employment or changing one’s address with Department of Social Protection are taken as signs of activity. For children, the activity status is dependent on that of their parent(s)/guardian(s).

Table 1: Cumulative PPSN Allocations to Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine by age and activity in administrative data as of 27thMay 2024

- Allocations to arrivals from Ukraine Number with activity after 2024 February 29 Percentage with activity after 2024 February 29
Adults aged 18 and over 78,480 59,217 75%
Children aged 17 and under 28,805 22,817 79%
Total 107,285 82,034 76%


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