Written answers

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

  • Departmental Schemes
    60. To ask the Minister for Finance the updated position regarding the review of the disabled drivers’ and disabled passengers' scheme; the criteria for the primary medical certificate;...
  • Student Accommodation
    61. To ask the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 149 of 27 February 2024, if he can clarify if there was no cost of the Exchequer in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003,...
  • Departmental Staff
    62. To ask the Minister for Finance to clarify the number of redundancies, or so called ‘exit-packages’, that have been paid to staff or personnel at any level of seniority in his...
  • Revenue Commissioners
    64. To ask the Minister for Finance if monthly technical adjustment figures being paid by a person have already been settled by their employer (details supplied); if so, if the amount paid by the...
  • Banking Sector
    65. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of properties that remain vacant following the closure of bank branches in all the banks that the State has shares in, in each county and area, in...
  • Tax Code
    66. To ask the Minister for Finance if a person is a resident in the USA and was Irish born with a PPS number, if that person enters a five-year lease to lease owned lands, if this is tax free;...
  • Departmental Staff
    67. To ask the Minister for Finance to list all staff/management exit packages for staff/management in their Departments that they sanctioned since 2016 (details supplied). [11159/24]
  • Customs and Excise
    68. To ask the Minister for Finance if the cost of importing a car can be reviewed (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11177/24]


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