Written answers

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Department of An Taoiseach

  • Cabinet Committees
    34. To ask the Taoiseach when the Cabinet Committee on Children and Education will next meet. [41577/23]
  • Departmental Functions
    48. To ask the Taoiseach for an update on the economic policy unit of his Department. [42613/23]
  • Departmental Legal Cases
    64. To ask the Taoiseach the number of legal cases taken against his Department in each of the past ten years and to date in 2023; and the costs associated with same in each of those years. [45405/23]
  • Departmental Strategies
    65. To ask the Taoiseach to outline the work completed on implementation of the Well-being Framework Policy post-Budget 2023 and prior to Budget 2024; the data sets used in that process; the...
  • Budget 2024
    66. To ask the Taoiseach how the people of Clare will benefit from his Department’s allocations in Budget 2024 [45782/23]


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