Written answers

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Defibrillators Provision

Photo of Louise O'ReillyLouise O'Reilly (Dublin Fingal, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

174. To ask the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if she can provide details of the number of funding requests through the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme, or other Departmental programmes, for the purchase of AEDs in each of the past five years and to date in 2023; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45730/23]

Photo of Thomas ByrneThomas Byrne (Meath East, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP) is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country. Over 13,000 projects have now benefited from sports capital funding since 1998, bringing the total allocations in that time to over €1.15 billion.

Grants are available to voluntary, not-for profit sports clubs, community groups, NGBs, and local authorities. Third level colleges, Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and schools may apply for funding jointly with sports clubs or organisations. Details of all allocations are published the gov.ie website under Sports Capital Programme Allocations.

The SCEP funds a broad range of equipment, including automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Without undertaking an analysis of every individual application, it is not possible to definitively state the number submitted previously that may have included defibrillators. However, 214 applications have been identified on the Department's online application system as containing a reference to "defibrillators". Of those applications, 127 were submitted in the last five years (starting with the 2018 round) and 42 applications were submitted under the 2023 round which is currently at assessment stage.

Defibrillators situated at sports clubs are generally for community use and funding is also available through the HSE’s National Lottery grants schemes and other Community grants schemes.Furthermore, at a local level, the network of Local Sports Partnerships throughout the country delivers education and training opportunities across a broad range of areas to local sports clubs and community groups. This includes First Aid Workshops, which typically cover CPR and/or Defibrillator Training as part of the content.


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