Written answers

Friday, 6 September 2019

  • Insurance Industry
    51. To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the cessation by a company (details supplied) to provide specialist insurance here; if he has engaged with the company on...
  • Disabled Drivers and Passengers Scheme
    53. To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to review the criteria for the primary medical certificate in order for persons with disabilities to avail of VRT reductions; and if he will make a...
  • Vehicle Registration Data
    54. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of second-hand private vehicles imported here from the United Kingdom in each of the past five years in tabular form. [35420/19]
  • Fuel Oil Specifications
    56. To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to provide exemptions to islanders to use tractor diesel for boats used for personal use particularly in circumstances in which they are returning to...
  • Vehicle Registration
    57. To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the fact that vehicles can have ownership registered to persons under 17 years of age and minors and also to fake names with...
  • Tax Yield
    58. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated amount of revenue generated by applying the financial transactions tax currently applied in a number of EU countries to financial transactions...
  • Brexit Preparations
    59. To ask the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 194 of 11 July 2019, the number of the 57 credit institutions and 59 insurance firms from the UK or Gibraltar that have...
  • Tax Compliance
    60. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of instances and the value of tax involved in recent years in which the large cases division of the Revenue Commissioners issued reassessments of...
  • Motor Insurance Regulation
    61. To ask the Minister for Finance the amount collected to date as part of the Motor Insurers Insolvency Compensation Fund; his plans for the fund; when collections are expected to cease; and if...
  • Ministerial Advisers Data
    62. To ask the Minister for Finance the name of each person employed as an adviser or special adviser to him and the Ministers of State in his Department; the salary of each in tabular form; and...
  • Financial Services Regulation
    63. To ask the Minister for Finance if there are penalties or fines for financial entities or persons operating here without Central Bank authorisation; the number of warnings issued by the...
  • Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme
    64. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated full-year cost of allowing capital gains on Employment and Investment Incentive, EII, shares to be capital gains tax applicable rather than...
  • Tax Reliefs Costs
    67. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated full-year cost of increasing the entrepreneurial relief for capital gains tax to 12.5% and removing the lifetime limit of €150,000; and if...
  • Tax Credits
    69. To ask the Minister for Finance the proportion of the cost of the research and development tax credit that arises from such services being outsourced to third parties by the company availing...
  • Tax Reliefs Costs
    71. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated full-year cost of removing the restriction to 100% of the employee’s annual emoluments for the key employee engagement programme, KEEP;...
  • Tax Code
    73. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated cost of increasing the remuneration limit under the KEEP scheme from 50% to 100%; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34932/19]
  • Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Administration
    77. To ask the Minister for Finance the annual operating cost for the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council in 2018 and 2019, respectively. [34971/19]
  • Gender Proofing of Policies
    78. To ask the Minister for Finance if his Department is utilising the SWITCH model in its development of gender budgeting processes to be implemented across all Departments. [34980/19]
  • Tax Code
    79. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated cost of increasing by €100,000, €500,000, €1 million and €2 million, respectively, the threshold at which businesses...
  • VAT Rebates
    80. To ask the Minister for Finance his views on a matter (details supplied) regarding the tax back programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35003/19]
  • Irish Collective Asset Management Vehicles
    81. To ask the Minister for Finance if Irish collective asset-management vehicles as incorporated bodies will be required to provide information on beneficial ownership to the register of...
  • Tax Forms
    82. To ask the Minister for Finance the facilities in place at Revenue Commissioners offices nationally for persons to obtain hard copy forms to claim tax relief such as tax credits and tax free...
  • Tax Code
    83. To ask the Minister for Finance the amount of income a couple with joint assessment can earn without being subject to income tax in circumstances in which both parties are under 65 years of...
  • Bankruptcy Data
    84. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of bankruptcies initiated by the Revenue Commissioners; the number of adjudications in each of the years 2015 to 2018 and to date in 2019; the...
  • Tax Code
    86. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated cost of lowering the €250 eligibility threshold for capital reliefs on individual donations to sports capital projects to €200; and...
  • Summer Economic Statement
    87. To ask the Minister for Finance the margin of compliance with the expenditure benchmark and the structural balance under EU fiscal rules under the scenario outlined in table 6 of the summer...
  • Tax Data
    92. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated first and full year cost of waiving PRSI and USC on interest earned from lending through crowdfunding for all crowdfunding loans and for...
  • Departmental Websites
    96. To ask the Minister for Finance the reason links from search engines or other sources to documents found on the website of his Department now link to a Department home page rather than the...
  • Departmental Expenditure
    97. To ask the Minister for Finance the amount expended on the renewal of licences (details supplied) by his Department since 2009 to date in 2019; the amount projected to be spent on the renewal...
  • Departmental Surveys
    98. To ask the Minister for Finance if he will provide historic data held by his Department to provide comparative reference points (details supplied). [35360/19]
  • Debt Repayments
    99. To ask the Minister for Finance the repayment schedule for bilateral loans to the UK; the capital amount repaid to date by transaction; the amount outstanding; if the repayments are made in...
  • Tax Credits
    102. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated cost of increasing the home carer’s tax credit by increments (details supplied) in tabular form. [35435/19]
  • Brexit Preparations
    103. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of firms that have still not obtained an EORI number; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35458/19]
  • Stamp Duty
    105. To ask the Minister for Finance if persons who develop schemes under a planning permission and commencement notice a number of years old can benefit from the stamp duty refund under section...
  • Tax Incentives
    106. To ask the Minister for Finance if tax incentives to support farmers will be introduced (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35548/19]
  • General Data Protection Regulation
    107. To ask the Minister for Finance the names of external consultancies that delivered and continue to deliver advice and training on all aspects of GDPR in the context of preparedness and...
  • Tax Code
    108. To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to change the threshold for siblings in relation to capital acquisitions tax; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35613/19]
  • Departmental Customer Charters
    109. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of complaints his Department received under the customer service charter in 2017, 2018 and to date in 2019; if his attention has been drawn to...
  • Tax Reliefs Data
    110. To ask the Minister for Finance the amount of tax relief claimed on subscriptions to professional organisations by workers and self-employed persons in 2018 by each professional...
  • Tax Reliefs Costs
    112. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated full year cost of restoring trade union subscription tax relief at the level it was at before its abolition; and if he will make a statement on...
  • Tax Reliefs Data
    113. To ask the Minister for Finance the cost of the special assignee relief programme in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35662/19]
  • Stamp Duty
    114. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of successful applications under the residential development stamp duty refund scheme since its introduction to date in 2019, in tabular form; and...
  • VAT Rate Application
    115. To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to guidance in relation to food supplements issued by the Revenue Commissioners from May 2007 (details supplied); if his...
  • Tax Reliefs Data
    116. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of persons who availed of the sportspersons relief tax scheme in each of the past ten years in tabular form. [35734/19]
  • Tax Reliefs Application
    120. To ask the Minister for Finance if the disregard of the first €3,000 when calculating tax relief for third level fees will be revised; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
  • Insurance Industry
    121. To ask the Minister for Finance when the key information report on employer and public liability insurance claims will be published; if an organisation (details supplied) has submitted the...
  • Revenue Commissioners Investigations
    122. To ask the Minister for Finance if officials of the Revenue Commissioners have visited a site (details supplied) in County Kildare to date in 2019; if so, the nature and-or reason for...
  • Proposed Legislation
    124. To ask the Minister for Finance when he plans to bring forward the migration of participating securities Bill; when the legislation will be enacted; and if he will make a statement on the...
  • Revenue Commissioners Staff
    125. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of additional Revenue Commissioners staff assigned to the Border with the UK in respect of preparedness for the forthcoming departure of the UK...
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts
    129. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated number of real estate investment trusts here; and the estimated number of properties in the portfolios of such real estate investment trusts....
  • IBRC Legal Cases
    131. To ask the Minister for Finance the legal costs incurred by the State with respect to the successful case taken by a person (details supplied) in both the High Court and the Court of Appeal;...
  • IBRC Operations
    133. To ask the Minister for Finance the details of the sale of IBRCAC in 2014 including the proceeds versus the original value; the number of staff and investors originally involved; the number...
  • Credit Union Regulation
    134. To ask the Minister for Finance if his decision to approve a substantial increase to the industry levy on credit unions up to 50% by 2022 will be reversed; if he consulted with a committee...
  • Tax Data
    135. To ask the Minister for Finance if the capital gains exemption on properties sold if they have been held for three years or more will apply to a company (details supplied) once it acquires...
  • Tax Collection Forecasts
    143. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated amount that would be generated if the 2% stamp duty on houses that are sold for in excess of €1 million was increased to 3%; and if he...
  • Departmental Internships
    144. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of unpaid internships issued and-or granted to persons to work in his Department over the past five years to 28 August 2019; the number of persons...
  • Employment Investment Incentive Scheme
    145. To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to further issues and delays with issuing of RICT certificates under the EIIS scheme to investors in time for the annual tax...
  • Cyber Security Protocols
    146. To ask the Minister for Finance if there are dedicated, professionally trained and certified cybersecurity staff for cybersecurity protocols under the remit of his Department; if such...
  • Departmental Operations
    147. To ask the Minister for Finance if his Department has a disaster recovery plan, business continuity plan and-or disaster recovery sites; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36244/19]
  • Tax Code
    149. To ask the Minister for Finance if there is flexibility for certain not-for-profit providers such as music schools and community organisations in the application of the Revenue...
  • Pension Provisions
    150. To ask the Minister for Finance his views on a matter (details supplied) regarding taxation of German pensions; his views on whether persons should not have to pay twice for the same...
  • VAT Rate Application
    151. To ask the Minister for Finance if the VAT free limit will be increased (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36406/19]
  • Primary Medical Certificates Eligibility
    153. To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to improve the criteria for the primary medical certificate; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36538/19]
  • Fiscal Policy
    155. To ask the Minister for Finance if funds from the contingency reserve fund established under the National Surplus (Reserve Fund for Exceptional Contingencies) Act 2019 can be withdrawn and...
  • Tax Reliefs Data
    156. To ask the Minister for Finance the projected cost in 2019 of the special assignee relief programme; the number of employers and employees availing of the scheme; the average benefit...
  • Excise Duties Yield
    157. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated revenue in 2020 from increasing excise duty on diesel to the same level as that of petrol. [36680/19]
  • Pensions Data
    158. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated revenue from reducing the maximum allowable pension fund to €1.7 million. [36681/19]
  • VAT Yield
    159. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimated extent of below cost selling of alcohol here; the impact this has on VAT revenues; and the way in which this is tracked by his Department or...
  • National Training Fund
    160. To ask the Minister for Finance the projected revenue from the 0.1% increase in the national training fund levy in 2020; and the way in which this is factored in arriving at the net fiscal...
  • Stamp Duty
    161. To ask the Minister for Finance the amount raised in each of the past three years through the stamp duty on rental property in cases in which the full rent is above €2,500; and his...
  • Research and Development Supports
    163. To ask the Minister for Finance the number of firms by size (details supplied) that have applied for the knowledge development box scheme for SMEs since being established in tabular form....
  • Insurance Costs
    165. To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to implement further recommendations of the cost of insurance working group in view of the escalating costs of insurance for many sectors; and if he...
  • Financial Services Regulation
    166. To ask the Minister for Finance the extent to which he continues to monitor the activities of the financial organisations or their agents in relation to penalised borrowers (details...
  • Stamp Duty
    167. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimate of the first and full year yield from a 2% points increase in stamp duty on non-residential property transfers on all amounts in excess of...
  • Tax Data
    169. To ask the Minister for Finance the estimate of the first and full year yield from each percentage point increase in the minimum effective tax rate of persons earning more than...
  • Tax Credits
    172. To ask the Minister for Finance the cost in income forgone of the research and development tax credit. [36934/19]


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