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Charlie McCreevy, former TD
- Former Fianna Fail TD for Kildare North
- Left the Dáil on 31 October 2004 — Resigned
Voting record
No data to display yet.
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Written Answers — Consumer Price Index: Consumer Price Index (17 Jun 2004)
“The Director General of the Central Statistics Office has sole responsibility for and is independent in deciding, the statistical methodology and professional standards to be used in compiling the consumer price index. It is designed to measure the change in the average level of the prices paid by consumers for goods and services. It measures in index form the monthly changes in the cost of...”
- Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (17 Jun 2004)
“The tax code provides exemption for charities from income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, deposit interest retention tax, capital acquisitions tax, stamp duty, probate tax and dividend withholding tax. The Revenue Commissioners are responsible for the administration of the relevant tax exemptions and for this purpose determine whether a body of persons or a trust claiming the benefit...”
- Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (17 Jun 2004)
“I am aware of the recent tax reforms in Slovakia which are centred on the introduction of a flat rate of tax of 19% across a number of tax heads including income tax, VAT and corporation tax. The reforms include the abolition of most income tax reliefs and exemptions. While certain other taxes including gift and inheritance tax have also been abolished, the Slovakian reforms also provide for...”
These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)
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