This data was produced from a variety of sources.

RSS feed Pa Daly TD

Photo of Pa Daly

Voting record

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Covid-19 Pandemic, International Protection, Mental Health Services, An Garda Síochána, Hospital Appointments Status

(based on written questions asked by Pa Daly and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Dentistry Services: Motion (22 May 2024)

“I thank the Social Democrats and Deputy Shortall for bringing this motion. It typifies the lack of attention and lack of care of the Minister that he is not here to address this. If I thought he was away negotiating with the HSE or working on a dental Bill, that would be one thing, but we can be sure that he is not. The state of dental services, particularly for children and the elderly,...”

Housing for All: Statements (Resumed) (21 May 2024)

“Probably 60% of the representations that we receive in our office have to do with housing. This week alone, I dealt with a woman from west Kerry who could not afford housing in Dingle because much of it costs approximately €350,000, a couple from Kerry whose rent had doubled over the past four years, a woman who had been on the housing list for 16 years and was living in a small room...”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Property Services Appeal Board: Chairperson Designate (21 May 2024)

“I thank Ms Donovan for coming before us and for her presentation. What is the most usual type of case the appeals board deals with?”

More of Pa Daly's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)